Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 77, Thursday, 03/13/08

As planned we stayed a third night at Kartchner Caverns State Park just south of Benson, AZ. Left this morning.

Drove 285 miles to an RV Park East of El Paso, but still on the outskirts of the city. It was windy on the drive today but the winds were out of the West and we were traveling East so we were being pushed, not buffeted by the winds.

We want to go to Big Bend National Park from here, a mostly Southerly route. Very high winds are in the forecast for tomorrow, still from the West, so driving tomorrow in the direction we are heading may not be possible as we will be blasted from the side by the extreme winds.

So tomorrow, if the winds are not too bad, or Saturday we leave El Paso for Big Bend. There certainly is nothing to keep us here in El Paso except for bad weather.

We're thinking about March 29th as a return to Elkhart date. But as always, our plans may change.


Anonymous said...

Well Brother, by then there shouldn't be any snow left on the ground. It's almost gone now except for the mounds of snow. So It's safe to say the snow is gone.

Anonymous said...

Elkhart Misses you. Hurry Home. McCarthy needs a friend to play with and so does Ellen!!!!!!!

Ellen Joy

dickeysc said...

Great Blog. Blue Angels left Wed. so it is time to head north. Leave Monday for Palm Springs for a few weeks then on to Washington. Will stay in touch. Have safe travels. Give the girls a hug for us.

Steve, Colleen and Abbie