Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day 92, Friday, 03/28/08

We did leave Galveston Wednesday, but got on the road by 11:00am. Made it well into Louisiana and found a clean RV park for the night just a mile from the interstate. A 325 mile day!

It was warm and pleasantly humid with smells of fresh cut grass. If we were not on our way home it would have been a nice spot to spend a day. We loved the water and waves of the Galveston beach, but the constant wind was wearing on us. Here, no wind. Very nice.

Thursday we got an early start - 9:00 am. Did a long 400+ mile day. Up through the middle of Mississippi, then east into Alabama. Got to Birmingham for rush hour and were happy to find a state park just north of there for the night. It was "woodsy" and the bugs were out in full force. The first problem with insects the whole trip. We left early Friday morning!

The goal was to drive another 350 miles to get to Louisville or just into Indiana to spend the last night out giving us an easy 300 miles on Saturday to get home early afternoon.

But, we got on the road and Blueboy just wanted to get back to "the barn". We drove the entire 675 miles home in just over twelve hours to arrive home at 9:30 pm.

So folks, this trip is in the books! We are happy to be home!

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