Thursday, January 31, 2008
Day 35, Thursday, 01/31/08
Stayed two nights in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument just 5 miles from the border. Great desert setting. Totally different than anything you would expect in a desert environment. Very green, even this time of year, compared to the desert around Tucson. We drove and hiked the area, but two nights was all we needed to experience the area. No electricity so we were "boondocking" while there and ready to find "ammeties" at the next stop.
Next stop was El Centro, CA.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Day 32, Monday, 01/28/08
The plan was to stay here a few days, work out at the fitness center, get insurance for the Honda, and drive across the border for a day trip to check out availability of space for the motor home. When we got here Saturday afternoon it was sunny and warm so we did nothing but enjoy the rest of the day. By morning it was raining, and it rained all day and all Sunday night. We did drive to the border, but did not cross. There were flash flood warnings out and we did not want to get stranded away from the RV park. In addition, when we pulled into a gas station right at the border we were immediately surrounded by six stray dogs barking and growling. They must have smelled our dogs in the car. Now way were we getting out! In fact, as we drove off, the dogs followed until I got going faster than they could run.
We stopped by Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument on the way back, but it was just raining too much to do anything but go into the visitor center and get some information. Back to the RV park thinking we could get indoor exercise. Couldn't work out, however, because the advertised "fitness center" here looks about 25 years old and the equipment is ancient. So we both just spent the rest of the afternoon/evening online. Wow!
New day! Today, Monday, it's blue sky and 70's. We signed up for one more night here in Ajo. Tomorrow we will go to Organ Pipe and camp for one or two nights. Take a ranger guided tour, hike with the children, enjoy the peace and quiet of the desert. Then on to Mexico for a week or two. I called an RV park in Puerto Penasco and they have lots of space available. I expected them to be full this time of year. That is why we were going to drive down there in the Honda - check thing out and then return in the motor home when space became available.
When we leave here tomorrow, we will not have phone or internet service while in the National Monument. Our phones won't work in Mexico either, but we should have internet service. If the internet connection at the RV park is high-speed, we will be able to use the "Magic-Jack" for phone service over the internet. That number is 602-539-0296. Google Magic-Jack if you want more info about how it works.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Day 28, Thursday, 01/24/08
Darren is in Arizona on business and drove down from Flagstaff to spend the night with us last night. He is traveling with his new puppy, Ava, an 8 month old Standard Poodle. What a full house with the three of us and three dogs.
Ellen cooked a great dinner and we had a few drinks before calling it a night. Last one to bed, no one remembers just who that was, did not shut the outer door of the motor home. Ellen woke up at 2 am and did not see the dogs. Darren told her I was out walking them. Right!! Ellen explained to him that I was asleep on the bed! Panic when she saw the screen door open and all three dogs gone. Darren got up and whistled. Ava and Gracie came running back. Isabelle was not with them. Ellen noticed the direction the two came from and ran out with a flashlight looking for number three. Isabelle was half under a motor home parked two roads over from us with a skunk fighting her off. The lady in the motor home said all three were after the skunk for at least an hour. She said she woke up when she detected this horrible smell coming from what she thought was inside her unit. Isabelle wouldn't come and Ellen had to drag her back. What a smell! She was ok, just stunk! Ava and Gracie didn't smell too bad, but Issy was awful. She could not be left outside and they certainly were not going to try to clean her up at that time (I never got up), so they let her in. She spent most of the rest of the night looking out the window for the skunk. She eventually ended up on the couch with Darren. Lucky Darren. But he went for a shower first thing this morning - fast. Isabelle has been sleeping all day. She wore herself out!
Ellen and Darren both went over this morning (after showers) to make amends with the neighbor lady and thankfully she was not upset. She said the dogs were "circling her wagon" for over an hour trying to get at that skunk. Wow! Thing is, they could have run off and we might still be looking for them.
Anyway, Darren was kind enough to take Ellen and I out for lunch before heading back up to Scottsdale for the horse show he's working this weekend. We put the three pooches in the motor home and off we went. Had a great lunch. However, upon arriving back at the motor home we heard a dog barking. We quickly joked about the place was probably torn up not really thinking it was one of our dogs. We got to the door and Ava was in the dinette seat barking out the window. Opened the door to find the place trashed. Ava did not like Darren leaving her. She chewed the foam out from under the bed. She took a box of fabric softner sheets from the bed and shredded them. She dumped the waste basket and shredded everything in it. She took a box of Kleenex off the table shredded that too. And, she chewed up my remote control! Bitch!
It was a mess, but no real harm. I'll have to get a new remote, but I got it to work. I took some pictures and will try to post them here a little later.
Had a few clouds yesterday, first time in two weeks, a little rain this morning, and mostly cloudy all day today. Looks good for tomorrow, then rain for a day or two. But no complaints. Got up in the low 70's yesterday, and mid 60's today. And the nights have only gotten down to the low 40's.
The morning after.

Ava "The Destroyer".

Scene of the crime.

Isabelle "after" her bath.

Isabelle getting her bath.

"Goodies" are in the bag and they know it!

Various pictures along the hike.

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Day 24, Sunday, 01/20/08
I'm posting some pictures here I promised days ago.
While we were in Benson with Gracie in the hospital we had time to visit Tombstone, AZ about 35 miles south. This is the town where the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place. As would be expected it is now a tourist trap, but it was still something to be there where it all happened.

Downtown Tombstone looking towards the mountains

Catalina State Park

Catalina State Park

On the trail in Sabino Canyon. We hiked about 8 miles this day. Tucson is way, way in the background.

Sabino Canyon

Ellen was up at 4:00 am and got this picture of me and my girls sleeping.

So I "got" her at 7:00 am when I got up.

Another view from our campsite at Catalina State Park.

View up Sabino Canyon on our hike. It's hard to believe there is water up here.

More water up in the canyon.

While we are not seeing much water up here at this time, flash floods are very powerful and have done a lot of damage to the road and trail system. A closer look at this picture shows the debris washed down on the road up Sabino in a flood several years ago that still has not been repaired. Repair is in process in many areas and still a long way from being finished.

Ellen on the Sabino trail

JPL on the Sabino trail

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Day 20, Wednesday, 01/16/08
Gracie is probably back to 95% today. We had to get her one additional medication to fix the problem. It's too involved and too "stinky" to give all the details here, but it took 6 days to get her right. When she passed whatever it was she ate, it looked like a big "burr" or piece of cactus. How she ate it is a mystery. It was an $1100.00 fix. So, we are watching her very closely now days.
I did not post pictures as promised last time. I'll try to put some on tomorrow.
Monday we drove around the area to look at houses and businesses close by. I ended up driving through a stop sign in a residential neighborhood that had a cop sitting there waiting for me. That cost $155.00. This trip is really getting expensive!
Yesterday we drove to Old Tucson and checked out Tucson Mountain Regional Park. They have electricity at their RV sites and it was a possible "next move". We didn't like it so we are just staying here a little longer. It is right next to (if not right in) Saguaro National Park, but dogs are not allow on any trails in the National Park and we want to be able to hike with them with us.
Today was laundry day, car wash day, and service the motor home day. Nothing exciting but it didn't cost much either - no Vet bills or traffic tickets. We are going out for thin crust pizza tonight.
Tomorrow we will leave the dogs in the motor home and drive to Sabino Canyon for a hike. They are not allowed there either, but locals have said it is a "must do" while here.
So, I hope to get some good pictures tomorrow on the hike and will combine them with pictures of Catalina as well.
Weather has been sunny and about 65 during the day and around 28 at night.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Day 16, Saturday, 1/12/08
Whatever she ingested definitely was working it's way out of her system.
No blockage!
We had to wait until noon to get the Valley Fever test results.
She was cleared to go. Just had to pay another $475.00!
She is not 100%, but she has her appetite and drinking a lot of water.
During the night last night she jumped off the bed and sprained her right foot! So after all she has been through, she can barely walk.
Ok, back to our trip.
We drove just a short 75 miles to Catalina State Park just north of Tucson. We love this place. We love Arizona. Mid to upper 60's with blue sky and no humidity. Still is freezing at night, but as soon as the sun comes up, it warms right up.
I'll take some pictures and put on tomorrow's post.
We paid for four nights here and may just stay our limit of 14 before we move on. Ellen is going to check out the job situation near here Monday. It's growing rapidly and the State Park is almost surrounded by new developments. Lots of restaurants and food stores to apply at.
So, given that we are here for awhile, I may not post each and every day. If something of interest comes up, I put it on the blog.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Day 15, Friday, 01/11/08
I went about 11 am and walked her for an hour. She finally started to empty her bladder! No blockage!!!!! So she got a shot to induce more peeing. It worked and now they were able to give her the barium and the follow-up x-rays.
At 4 pm we got the call that all blood work came back perfect, the barium & x-rays showed whatever she apparently ingested was moving through her system, she was drinking, and we could take her home at 5:00.
Was she ever happy to get out of there!
However, she is not off the hook yet. The test results for Valley Fever will not be back until around noon tomorrow (Saturday), and she needs to go back to the vet at 7:00 am tomorrow for one more x-ray just to be sure the "whatever it is" is still working itself through her system.
We got her home, she ate dinner, drank some water, went outside to pee, and then to bed for the night!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Day 14, Thursday, 01/10/08
Things started out poorly at 6:00 am when Gracie started puking. Thought it would pass, but buy the time we pulled out she had already gotten sick about 6 times.
Stopped in Deming, about 30 miles north, to wash the RV while Ellen went grocery shopping. Gracie got sick 4 more times while I washed the RV.
We debated about seeking a Vet right in Deming, but thought she must be over whatever it was that was upsetting her by that time.
She continued to get sick all afternoon, so we called ahead to Benson, Az information and found an animal hospital. Spent about 2 1/2 hours and $550.00 there and had to leave her overnight to stay on an IV because she was so dehydrated. X-rays showed some possible intestional issues, but we need to wait till morning for blood work to come back.
We spotted an RV park right across the street from the clinic and are there for the night.
We're worried and miss our daughter. Probably won't sleep much tonight. We'll be there right at 8:00 am when the hospital opens.
More tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Day 13, Wednesday, 01/09/08
View of Pancho Villa State Park HQ in the foreground, and the "big" city of Columbus, NM in back

View of mountains behind the office of the Las Cruces Hacienda RV Park

Looking South over Pancho Villa SP (Blueboy is in there somewhere) with the Mexican border about 3 miles in the distance. The hill we are standing on was a lookout post for the US soldiers stationed here at Camp Furlong as it was called in the early 1900's. The State Park occupies the area now.

Our park campsite

Day 12, Tuesday, 01/08/08
Got set up at camp then made a "run for the border" just 3 miles on down the road. Finally, the duty free shop had Crown Royal in stock! My lucky day. Crown was $16.00 / ltr, Stoly was $9.00 / ltr, and Baileys was $18.00 / ltr. This time, however, the US Border Guards made me pay tax on the purchase. It was just another $15.00 for the six liters of liquor.
In Mexico you can purchase some prescription drugs without a prescription, and without paying for a doctor's visit to get one. I bought Diprolene, a steroidal skin ointment, for $8.00. Last time I bought it at home it was about $60.00. I tried to buy some at the walk-in clinic at Martins before we left, and they wanted me to pay $50.00 to write the prescription plus pay for the medicine!
Ellen bought Cipro, an anti-biotic, for $16.00 for 60 pills!
So, we took the "booze" back to the car then went back across to eat dinner at our favorite little spot - The Pink Store. Good food, great Margaritas!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Day 11, Monday, 01/07/08
We both went to the "work-out" room and did our exercises, showered, then went out to grocery shop. On the way we found a little winery and Bistro and stopped in for a late lunch. It was St. Clair Winery and they are located right here in New Mexico. We drank several glasses of wine, tasted a few others, and had a lite lunch. Very nice!
Sue was to come by the motorhome after work and she and Ellen were going to out for dinner and a drink. However, she was involved in a minor collision on her way here and ended up doing police reports and visiting the emergency room until 11 pm. She is ok and is now going to stop by in the morning before we leave.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Day 10, Sunday, 01/06/08
We showered and slowly packed up - but we did so in t-shirts and sandals and enjoyed the great weather.
We were only on the road for about 90 minutes driving to Las Cruces. Found a really nice and clean RV Park, The Hacienda, close to downtown and right off the interstate. We stopped here to see Sue Cobb and she is going to stop by the park tonight after she gets off work (which is only a half mile away). Last year we parked the motor home at her ranch which she and Ken were so gracious to offer us, but it was pretty dusty, so this visit we parked in town.
We got set up and went into old Las Cruces, called Mesilla, and had a late Mexican lunch and Margaritas.
Great internet connection so I am going back to add pictures of our hike to yesterday's post. Also, I failed to mention on our way out of Louisville we stopped at the National Corvette Museum. We've passed it about 5 times on our travels but never stopped. This time we did. It was nice, but not exceptional, so I did not even mention it or put pictures on the blog. Ellen looked at the pictures last night and insisted I post a few, so if you are interested, please go back to day 2 and take a look. However, you must go back to yesterday's post and look at Hueco (Waco) Tanks.
Day 9, Saturday, 01/05/08
The tour today was quite an exercise in “rock hopping” or “bouldering”. We did not know what we were getting into, but we wanted to get a good “experience”. Our guide was not a park ranger or a “for hire” tour operator, just an individual who loves the area and volunteers to take visitors like us into the inner trails of the park. We did some very strenuous hiking and rock climbing that was not technically allowed by the park service, but our guide believed more people needed to experience resource.
We loved it but are very sore tonight! A great experience for being out here in the
We loved it!
Hueco means depression, and it's the depressions in these rock formations that held life-sustaining water for months after the rainy season ended. It allowed the ancients to farm and stay in one area, it was fought over by various tribes, it was sought after by the white man as he traveled the South West, and the area was even stagecoach stopover for awhile with the ruins of the stagecoach station still here.
It's not certain what the pictures mean. Speculation abounds.

Blog Archive
- Day 35, Thursday, 01/31/08
- Day 32, Monday, 01/28/08
- Day 28, Thursday, 01/24/08
- Day 24, Sunday, 01/20/08
- Day 20, Wednesday, 01/16/08
- Day 16, Saturday, 1/12/08
- Day 15, Friday, 01/11/08
- Day 14, Thursday, 01/10/08
- Day 13, Wednesday, 01/09/08
- Day 12, Tuesday, 01/08/08
- Day 11, Monday, 01/07/08
- Day 10, Sunday, 01/06/08
- Day 9, Saturday, 01/05/08
- Day 8, Friday, 01/04/08
- Day 7, Thursday, 01/03/08
- Day 6, Wednesday, 01/02/08
- Day 5, Tuesday, 01/01/08
- Day 4, Monday, 12/31/07