Darren is in Arizona on business and drove down from Flagstaff to spend the night with us last night. He is traveling with his new puppy, Ava, an 8 month old Standard Poodle. What a full house with the three of us and three dogs.
Ellen cooked a great dinner and we had a few drinks before calling it a night. Last one to bed, no one remembers just who that was, did not shut the outer door of the motor home. Ellen woke up at 2 am and did not see the dogs. Darren told her I was out walking them. Right!! Ellen explained to him that I was asleep on the bed! Panic when she saw the screen door open and all three dogs gone. Darren got up and whistled. Ava and Gracie came running back. Isabelle was not with them. Ellen noticed the direction the two came from and ran out with a flashlight looking for number three. Isabelle was half under a motor home parked two roads over from us with a skunk fighting her off. The lady in the motor home said all three were after the skunk for at least an hour. She said she woke up when she detected this horrible smell coming from what she thought was inside her unit. Isabelle wouldn't come and Ellen had to drag her back. What a smell! She was ok, just stunk! Ava and Gracie didn't smell too bad, but Issy was awful. She could not be left outside and they certainly were not going to try to clean her up at that time (I never got up), so they let her in. She spent most of the rest of the night looking out the window for the skunk. She eventually ended up on the couch with Darren. Lucky Darren. But he went for a shower first thing this morning - fast. Isabelle has been sleeping all day. She wore herself out!
Ellen and Darren both went over this morning (after showers) to make amends with the neighbor lady and thankfully she was not upset. She said the dogs were "circling her wagon" for over an hour trying to get at that skunk. Wow! Thing is, they could have run off and we might still be looking for them.
Anyway, Darren was kind enough to take Ellen and I out for lunch before heading back up to Scottsdale for the horse show he's working this weekend. We put the three pooches in the motor home and off we went. Had a great lunch. However, upon arriving back at the motor home we heard a dog barking. We quickly joked about the place was probably torn up not really thinking it was one of our dogs. We got to the door and Ava was in the dinette seat barking out the window. Opened the door to find the place trashed. Ava did not like Darren leaving her. She chewed the foam out from under the bed. She took a box of fabric softner sheets from the bed and shredded them. She dumped the waste basket and shredded everything in it. She took a box of Kleenex off the table shredded that too. And, she chewed up my remote control! Bitch!
It was a mess, but no real harm. I'll have to get a new remote, but I got it to work. I took some pictures and will try to post them here a little later.
Had a few clouds yesterday, first time in two weeks, a little rain this morning, and mostly cloudy all day today. Looks good for tomorrow, then rain for a day or two. But no complaints. Got up in the low 70's yesterday, and mid 60's today. And the nights have only gotten down to the low 40's.
The morning after.

Ava "The Destroyer".

Scene of the crime.

Isabelle "after" her bath.

Isabelle getting her bath.

"Goodies" are in the bag and they know it!

Various pictures along the hike.

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