Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 16, Saturday, 1/12/08

Made our 7 am vet appointment and Gracie got another x-ray.
Whatever she ingested definitely was working it's way out of her system.
No blockage!
We had to wait until noon to get the Valley Fever test results.
She was cleared to go. Just had to pay another $475.00!
She is not 100%, but she has her appetite and drinking a lot of water.

During the night last night she jumped off the bed and sprained her right foot! So after all she has been through, she can barely walk.

Ok, back to our trip.
We drove just a short 75 miles to Catalina State Park just north of Tucson. We love this place. We love Arizona. Mid to upper 60's with blue sky and no humidity. Still is freezing at night, but as soon as the sun comes up, it warms right up.
I'll take some pictures and put on tomorrow's post.

We paid for four nights here and may just stay our limit of 14 before we move on. Ellen is going to check out the job situation near here Monday. It's growing rapidly and the State Park is almost surrounded by new developments. Lots of restaurants and food stores to apply at.

So, given that we are here for awhile, I may not post each and every day. If something of interest comes up, I put it on the blog.

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