Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 15, Friday, 01/11/08

Ellen went to the vet at 8 am to spend some time with Gracie. She got sick twice during the night, but so far today she has stopped. The vet couldn't get a good x-ray because her bladder was full due to her not peeing. She is still on the IV and Ellen spent about two hours with her in the cage, and outside walking in the pen to induce her to pee.
I went about 11 am and walked her for an hour. She finally started to empty her bladder! No blockage!!!!! So she got a shot to induce more peeing. It worked and now they were able to give her the barium and the follow-up x-rays.

At 4 pm we got the call that all blood work came back perfect, the barium & x-rays showed whatever she apparently ingested was moving through her system, she was drinking, and we could take her home at 5:00.

Was she ever happy to get out of there!

However, she is not off the hook yet. The test results for Valley Fever will not be back until around noon tomorrow (Saturday), and she needs to go back to the vet at 7:00 am tomorrow for one more x-ray just to be sure the "whatever it is" is still working itself through her system.

We got her home, she ate dinner, drank some water, went outside to pee, and then to bed for the night!

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