Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 24, Sunday, 01/20/08

We are here at Catalina State Park for our 9th night tonight. We are going to sign up in the morning for the remaining 5 available to us within our 14 night maximum stay in any given 30 day period.

I'm posting some pictures here I promised days ago.

While we were in Benson with Gracie in the hospital we had time to visit Tombstone, AZ about 35 miles south. This is the town where the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place. As would be expected it is now a tourist trap, but it was still something to be there where it all happened.

Downtown Tombstone looking towards the mountains

Catalina State Park

Catalina State Park

On the trail in Sabino Canyon. We hiked about 8 miles this day. Tucson is way, way in the background.

Sabino Canyon

Ellen was up at 4:00 am and got this picture of me and my girls sleeping.

So I "got" her at 7:00 am when I got up.

Another view from our campsite at Catalina State Park.

View up Sabino Canyon on our hike. It's hard to believe there is water up here.

More water up in the canyon.

While we are not seeing much water up here at this time, flash floods are very powerful and have done a lot of damage to the road and trail system. A closer look at this picture shows the debris washed down on the road up Sabino in a flood several years ago that still has not been repaired. Repair is in process in many areas and still a long way from being finished.

Ellen on the Sabino trail

JPL on the Sabino trail

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