Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 10, Sunday, 01/06/08

Today we woke up to the best day of the trip to date. 46 and blue sky at sunup and got warmer as the day went on. We both were moving pretty slowly after yesterdays exertion on the rocks. If we weren't so sore we would have signed up for another tour and stayed another day.
We showered and slowly packed up - but we did so in t-shirts and sandals and enjoyed the great weather.

We were only on the road for about 90 minutes driving to Las Cruces. Found a really nice and clean RV Park, The Hacienda, close to downtown and right off the interstate. We stopped here to see Sue Cobb and she is going to stop by the park tonight after she gets off work (which is only a half mile away). Last year we parked the motor home at her ranch which she and Ken were so gracious to offer us, but it was pretty dusty, so this visit we parked in town.

We got set up and went into old Las Cruces, called Mesilla, and had a late Mexican lunch and Margaritas.

Great internet connection so I am going back to add pictures of our hike to yesterday's post. Also, I failed to mention on our way out of Louisville we stopped at the National Corvette Museum. We've passed it about 5 times on our travels but never stopped. This time we did. It was nice, but not exceptional, so I did not even mention it or put pictures on the blog. Ellen looked at the pictures last night and insisted I post a few, so if you are interested, please go back to day 2 and take a look. However, you must go back to yesterday's post and look at Hueco (Waco) Tanks.

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