Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 12, Tuesday, 01/08/08

Very short drive today from Las Cruces to Columbus, NM and Pancho Villa State Park where we are at for the night, or two.

Got set up at camp then made a "run for the border" just 3 miles on down the road. Finally, the duty free shop had Crown Royal in stock! My lucky day. Crown was $16.00 / ltr, Stoly was $9.00 / ltr, and Baileys was $18.00 / ltr. This time, however, the US Border Guards made me pay tax on the purchase. It was just another $15.00 for the six liters of liquor.

In Mexico you can purchase some prescription drugs without a prescription, and without paying for a doctor's visit to get one. I bought Diprolene, a steroidal skin ointment, for $8.00. Last time I bought it at home it was about $60.00. I tried to buy some at the walk-in clinic at Martins before we left, and they wanted me to pay $50.00 to write the prescription plus pay for the medicine!
Ellen bought Cipro, an anti-biotic, for $16.00 for 60 pills!

So, we took the "booze" back to the car then went back across to eat dinner at our favorite little spot - The Pink Store. Good food, great Margaritas!

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